Making a project home page

When designing and making a Horizon project home page, a lot of considerations have to be done and a lot of people need to be involved, even though their daily focus is not what is communicated but rather what is researched.

When you start the web page, you also consider how to update it, and if it should be stored in a database with access for all, including being an easy target for cyber-criminals or a static page, which we ended up with here. The blog posts are hosted statically, so there is only the webadmins who can change anything, which has both security and monetary advantages (hosting a database is not for free), and the disadvantage that only one person at a time with the right tools can access it.

As the project is also funded by respectively the EU and the UK, there needs to be sufficient links to these organisations and we always have to remember to ask for permission for cookies and have an updated privacy form.

The Design was partially given by a vote on the logo and the page with color scheme evolved from there, also being part of our design manual that is forthcoming. It is intended to be easy to find what you look for and not to be plain walls of text. Later we will add videos both on the front page and in the blogs, describing the research. We will of course also add other communications either as downloadable results or as more traditional blog posts, and will ensure that all news will be announced on our related social media channels.

An issue that is difficult to work around from the outset is photos and logos. When so many partners are to be presented, first of all, it is difficult to find the right person to help, and secondly, when they are helping it may be difficult to get a common thread in the presentations and format, as the web page may change during the design and development process. We will likely update the graphics over time, where needed and where possible. The same goes for all the written contents. As we have 4 target groups, it is also a task in itself to try to address as many as possible this way.

We hope that you like the first version that we present here today, but you are always welcome to send us comments to make it better!

Happy and fruitful reading!

The Rheasoft BETTER communication team!

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Funded by the EU

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136262. The communication reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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